Bell’s palsy after inactivated COVID-19 vaccination in a patient with history of recurrent Bell’s pa
BACKGROUND With rapid and extensive administration of inactivated coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)vaccine to the gener......
Radial nerve recovery following closed nailing of humeral shaft fractures without radial nerve explo
BACKGROUND Radial nerve palsy due to humeral shaft fracture is the most common peripheral nerve injury associated with l......
Management of an intracranial hypotension patient with diplopia as the primary symptom:A case report
BACKGROUND Intracranial hypotension(IH)is a disorder involving cerebrospinal fluid(CSF)hypovolemia due to spontaneous or......
Design and Construction of Adjustable Mini-standing for Children from 4 to 9 Years Old with Diplegic
The present paper sought to redesign,technify and adjust to different sizes of a mini-standing to improve the physical t......
AIM: To determine the accuracy of 2-channel surface electromyography(sE MG) for diagnosing oropharyngeal dysphagia(OPD) ......
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome(MRS) is a rare, noncaseating granulomatous disorder of unknown etiology and undefined diag......
目的筛查脑性瘫痪(cerebral palsy,CP)儿童产前危险因素。方法采用1∶2病例对照研究,选择2007年12月—2009年5月在黑龙江省小儿脑......
脑性瘫痪(Cerebral Palsy)简称脑瘫,是一组持续存在并导致活动受限的运动和姿势发育障碍症候群,主要表现为运动障碍及姿势异常,同......
To our knowledge,there is no report concerning medial epicondyle fracture of the humerus for infants,the clinical course......
脑性瘫痪(cerebral palsy)是指一组持续存在、导致活动受限的运动和姿势发育障碍症候群,常伴有听力障碍、吞咽困难、流涎、言语不......
一款叫做CPF Challenge的新APP正在使得运动变得更容易,且更包容。基于视频,这款APP使得运动能力不同的人们可以参与到特殊定制的......
AIM: To investigate whether the finger movement at birth is a better predictor of the brachial plexus birth injury.METHO......
小儿脑性瘫痪(Cerebral Palsy,简称CP或脑瘫)是出生前到生后一个月内由各种原因所致的非进行性脑损伤。脑瘫中部分患儿如能早期诊......
弓形虫(Toxoplasma gondii,TOX)是胎儿先天性感染的重要病原体。本文用ELISA法检测脑性瘫痪(cere-bral palsy CP)患儿TOX感染的同......
Operative treatment of medial rotation contracture of the shoulder caused by obstetric brachial plex
OHuaShanHospital, ShanghaiMedicalUniversity, Shanghai200040, China (ChenL, GuYDandXuJG) verthepastcenturies, theobs......
By consulting and collating the relevant literatures on the treatment of fluorosis in Traditional Chinese medicine, the ......
目的 探讨先天性上斜肌麻痹手术治疗后远期的转归.方法 回顾性观察27例先天性上斜肌麻痹(con-genital superior oblique palsy,CSO......
Congenital cholesteatoma(CC)is a rarely seen benign tumor of the temporal bone. There are five general sites of extradur......
A new interpretation and quantitative method for diplopia test: 304 cases of ocular motor nerve pals
We introduce a new interpretation and quantitative method for computerized diplopia test. By comparing this new method t......
Acquired ptosis associated with oculomotor and contralateral facial nerve synkinesis: the first repo
Dear Editor,Evidence of oculomotor nerve(ON)synkinesis is a common occurrence following both acquired and congenital III......
Correlation of glucose metabolism in brain cells and brain morphological changes with clinical typin
BACKGROUND: It is widely known that fluorino-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG PET) is commonl......
周围性面瘫临床上较为常见,患者表现为同侧面部所有表情肌弛缓性瘫痪,其中以贝尔氏面瘫(Bell’s palsy)最为多见,为原发性周围性面瘫,约......
Impact of clinical types and involved sites on the recovery of gross motor function after interventi
BACKGROUND: The recovery of gross motor function is the basis for the improvement of other abilities. It is helpful for ......
Correlation between current intensity and effective duration in the treatment of botulinus toxin for
BACKGROUND: Researches prove that the treatment of cerebral palsy by botulinus toxin (BTX-A) can improve effect and prol......
特发性面神经麻痹(Bell’s palsy,BP)绝大多数为一侧性,双侧麻痹 BP 极为少见。现将遇到的1例报告如下:男性,19岁,工人。于1983年......
进行性核上性麻痹(Progressive sup-ranuclear palsy P S P)是一种相当少见的异质性系统变性病。现将我们收治1例报告如下。黄×......
TO the casual passer-by, Sancha in Datong County, Shanxi Province, looks like any other northern village. But a closer l......
TO the casual passer-by, Sancha in Datong County, Shanxi Province, looks like any other northern village. But a closer l......
书写痉挛(Writer’s cramp)又称职业性麻痹(Carft palsy)临床较常见,报道甚少,是由于职业原因长期从事手部精细动作造成手部肌肉......
脑性瘫痪(Cerebral palsy,CP)是儿童产前至产后多种原因引起的大脑非进行性损伤性疾病,以四肢持续性痉挛性瘫痪为主要表现,世界各......
多系统萎缩(Mutltiple System Atrophy MSA)是中枢神经系统变性疾病,占帕金森综合征患者的10%。进行性核上瘫(progressive supranu......
Combination of selective anterior and posterior rhizotomy with orthomorphy stage II in treating seve
Objective To study the general design and practice instages of the treatment of severe cerebral palsy with the combina......
Objective To study the effect about walk training of cerebral palsy treatment with conductive education approach and Bob......
Facial palsy,hemifacal spasm,trigemi-nal neuralgia and vertebral-basila ris artery blood supply dist
AIM:To estimate the prognosis of Bell palsy.METHODS:Blink reflex(BR),electromyography(EMG),motor latency(ML )and amplitu......
Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most frequent motor handicap in childhood. In addition to movements disabilities persons with......
Activated conduction by small incision and moderate stimulation for treatment of cerebral palsy in 1
BACKGROUND: Internationally, methods to treat cerebral palsy (CP) are basically the same, including correction of deform......
Neuronal quantity and ultrastructure in extracorticospinal tract of newborn rabbits with cerebral pa
BACKGROUND: The liver enzyme system and blood brain barrier function of newborn rabbits are incomplete. High level of bi......
Local injection of bortulinum toxin A at multiple points for decreasing the muscular tension of chil
BACKGROUND: More than 70% children with cerebral palsy belong to the spastic one,and the increased muscular tension resu......
Association of therapeutic occasion, gross motor function grading and developmental level with gross
BACKGROUND: The abnormal posture and motor pattern have not stabilized in children with cerebral palsy at early period, ......